Since 2014 Valiant Coffee has been an expression of excellence in coffee and challenged us to grow in the ways that only running a small business can.
I’ll begin with mentioning that everyone is OKAY and everyone is SAFE and well and for this we are incredibly grateful.
For the last ten years Valiant Coffee Roasters has been the most authentic expression of what we believed excellence in coffee should look like – for better or worse.
We’ve taken great pride in our product and I don’t think that will ever change. But, sometimes things don’t work out like we expect and that’s okay too.
In reflection there is much we are grateful for – first on the list is every single relationship that has been formed on this adventure.
Genuinely connecting with all of you wonderful people; crafters, makers, brewers, other small businesses, and providing coffee for homes locally and across the nation (and the world) has been a incredible joy and privilege and constantly overwhelms our hearts in the best way.
We’re grateful to have made it this far, grateful to have had you along for the ride, and of course we’re looking forward to the next adventure when the time is right…
We hope that Valiant’s vision of excellence in coffee is one that you carry forward as you embark on a new coffee journey –
Currently, we are looking forward to how we can continue to support other local coffee roasters and shops and we will do our best to stay in touch with the community, as it is not one we are ready to leave entirely.
Thank you for all of the kind messages, texts and emails, etc over the last few weeks. Please know we’re reading them slowly and letting it all settle.
With Care,
The Valiant Coffee Crew