December 05, 2022 1 Comment
Do the work, because the work will teach you.
This is me, @cardboard.erik back in 2015. In the early days, I did everything the hard way. All of our green coffee bags were schlepped by hand, all of our batches were scaled out by scoop, all of the roasting was done by adjusting little levers and knobs and our roast logger was an accounting binder with all the variables logged live as I roasted. I wanted everything to be excellent from day one, but there was so much I had to learn. I had to learn how to price our product, how to value my time, how to sell, how roast, how to build bit by bit and so much more.
Last year I learned I have ADHD, and this year I learned I am autistic. These conditions attributed to a rough start for Valiant, and a slow learning curve for me. I was slow to adapt, slow to implement change, and slow to ask for help.
These days, knowing my deficits, I’ve been able to ask for help in trouble areas, implement frameworks to help me succeed, and figure out new ways to learn without shame. I’ve also been learning to show up as me, rather than not at all. I’ve been learning it’s okay to be me.
The internal narrative of late has been, “let people see you.” So this is me, a mid 30’s autistic/father/husband/entrepreneur trying to navigate the things of life, with two kids and a small business. A person who, although he feels late to the game, knows that game is far from over. Today, choose to be Valiant, choose to persist, choose to keep going. You can do it. You will do it.
#autistic #father #husband #entrepreneur #perservere #persist #bevaliant #drinkvaliant #BeBold #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #journal #progress #growth #grow #2022 #smallbatchcoffeeroaster #coffeeroaster #localcoffee #drinklocalcoffee #sactowncoffee #saccoffeescene #garyvee
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December 05, 2022
When we named our business, we chose this name because it symbolized what we wanted to become. Even though we didn’t consider ourselves “valiant” we knew and believed with time and persistence, we could become Valiant.
November 30, 2022
November 23, 2022
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Brandon Byrnes
December 24, 2023
Hey bro! Just want to say that as someone who also shares a few of life’s challenges that you dealt with in childhood and someone who believers I also am autistic…. It’s not a disability, it’s an enhancement. We think in unique ways that nobody else would, sure it might be a slow process but we can see the crazy result way at the end that nobody else could have seen and then we prove to the world that we knew what we were doing all along. Valiant is becoming a household name in Placer County and it’s expanding beyond, maybe it will someday be a national brand. You’re doing great bro! Would love to chat with you someday